the day the pendulum moved..

The day the pendulum moved.

I did what any newly anointed intuitive would have done. I chucked the *pendulum across the room, grabbed my dog, and hid in the closet. I was shocked, terrified and shaken. I had used the pendulum so many times before that day and it had always felt the same. Using the pendulum brought back the sensations of my friends and I playing with the ouija board. There was an element of mysticism and metaphysics, but you just couldn’t be sure you hadn’t done something to move the board. It was fun and magical, and laugh out loud. This time was different, though. The pendulum swung fiercely from a standstill position. This never happened. Then, with each question I asked the responses became stronger and would stop suddenly. I wasn’t even holding the pendulum tight. Something outside of myself was certainly involved.

Before leaving the closet and returning to normalcy, I went over all of the lessons I learned on using the pendulum. I thought back on the notes of my session with Colleen McCann, from style rituals, the coolest, hippest, and chicest Shaman and crystal healer. She guided me with her unique perspective and had encouraged the work with the pendulum. I went through the mental checklist I made with her:
1) I cleared myself and the space with sage and palo santo.
2) I grounded and protected the space.
3) I set the intention for positivity and light
4) I meditated beforehand to raise my vibration
Next, my thoughts went to the beautiful amethyst crystal pendulum I had tossed with such force. I hoped it was still in one piece and that I would find it again. I thought of Bill Phillips, the psychic medium, who had gifted the pendulum to me after attending his intuition workshop. I remembered the last appointment my sister and I had with him and how compassionate he had been to us. I knew anything he had given from his giant heart would never allow anything unkind to enter the space.

I finally left my closet and found the pendulum, but it took two weeks to come to terms with what had happened that day. I started using the pendulum once again. I realized I was now being guided by my spirit; that I had been exercising a muscle, called “intuition”, and it had grown stronger. Whenever I used the pendulum after that experience I expressed my concerns aloud into space. I am sure I sounded like a crazy person. I told the guide to please take it slow and to be less forceful. My guides listened and I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for this. I started to see symbols soon after and I receive subtle messages now with deep meanings. I am no longer scared and I have found solace in the knowledge that we are very supported, loved, and guided here to live out our soul’s purpose. We just have to listen closely. I am convinced that we all can develop our intuitive skills, in our own time and at our own pace.

If you feel the desire to grow your intuitive capabilities, “The pendulum kit”, by Sig Lonergan is a wonderful resource, and the “Pendulum Magic for Beginners”, by Richard Webster is a perfect place to begin.

It is a great idea to choose your own pendulum at your local metaphysical boutique to see which crystal feels right for you. However, Amazon has a nice selection, too. I love this Rose Quartz gemstone, as the Rose Quartz encourages love and compassion.

Happy Swinging!

(*a pendulum is used as a spiritual tool. Defined as objects, such as crystals, attached to the end of a string or metal chain that will swing back and forth or in a circular motion)


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