t h i r d e y e

I had not realized how strange we must have appeared that day, all of us sitting in a circle exhaustively chanting Da O (Dough). We powered through the exercise without a hint of inhibition. The chanting workshop had promised to activate our Third Eye and to enliven our dormant psychic potential. We were instructed to deepen our vocal cords with each pronunciation. This would allow the the muscles of the back throat to reach up through our nostrils. The action, as we were told, would penetrate the space between our eyebrows and allow the Third Eye to expand. We huffed and puffed for most of the day and late into the evening. In spite of our efforts, our Third Eye that day felt unchanged.

What did have a most profound affect on our potential, however, was the power of our intentions. There are countless examples that point to a hardy intention in combination with simple techniques to awaken one’s Third Eye. The Third Eye is the perceptual center located within the Sixth Chakra, which is found between the eyebrows on the physical body. Our intuition resides within this chakra and is referred to as clear seeing. The Third Eye is responsible for envisioning or creating a mental picture. When our sentiments are accompanied by an internal visual image we are utilizing the Sixth Chakra.

These visions are believed to originate from our higher self or from our inner wisdom. Often times, the images resemble a flashback, memory, or a scene from a movie. They convey a message for us to garner, which typically does not require much thought. When our Third Eye is open we trust these visual messages and live naturally in the flow of our surroundings.

There is a cultural inclination to recognize only facts and evidence. Many of us rely upon our rational thinking much more than we do our intuition. Furthermore, we tend to discredit our visions and sensations in favor of practicality. As a result, the Third Eye becomes weak, blocked, or closed.

The Sixth Chakra can become unblocked and empowered with a deep desire and a conscious practice. Meditation and guided visualizations are known to strengthen the Third Eye and clear a congested Sixth Chakra. (soundstrue.com). Prayer will also invoke the higher self. Meditation and prayer practices cultivate the ability to visualize inwardly. In addition, one may use the following steps to encourage their natural intuitive nature and keep the Third Eye clear. These steps may be especially useful when confronting stressful situations or when making important decisions.

4 Steps to Awaken the Third Eye.

1. Pause. Breathe. Take a moment to stop and notice what is around you. Are there signs in nature guiding you? Is there a familiar feeling or sensation that reminds you of a past experience or person? Hone in on the feelings you are witnessing and give them a name.  (Loving, Disappointing, Scattered, Enlightening)

2. Quiet the mind with a few deep breaths and imagine you are sitting in a theater and the curtains are suddenly drawn open. Ask a question or ask for guidance. What do you see on the stage? Hold this mental image in your minds’ eye and ask questions to elaborate the meaning.

3. Listen for the answers. The first response you feel, hear, see, or know is the message for you. Try to intuit the answers and not over think or debate their significance.

4. Trust your feelings and the visual images you are witnessing. These originate from your inner knowing and will guide you to live within the natural flow of your life.
(It is important to note that we often tell ourselves our intuition is the product of a creative or wild imagination. Over time and with practice our knowing becomes strong. We are able to quickly decipher if the information is an over reaction from the mind. Trust is the essential ingredient.)

The thunderous sounds from our chanting shook the room and much more that day. The workshop may not have granted the immediate gratification I had wished, but it did bring inspiration and ultimately sparked the awakening of my Third Eye. I now know our common desire to live life differently is what ignited the Sixth Chakra. We had become frustrated with the self limiting shenanigans of our mind. We wanted to leave behind our second guessing and the endless over thinking. The opening of our Third Eye was the remedy that we had been searching for and well worth all of the noise we made.

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Images: JuliaFilirovska@pexels, AlexeyDemidov@pexels


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