c h a k r a b a l a n c e


Our minds are fried! All of the planning, processing, calculating, deliberating, manipulating, and strategizing are on overdrive. No wonder so many of us feel like our lives are an endless episode of Netflix’s House of Cards. We live within a mind oriented culture where almost everything is marketed and branded for the pleasure of our Ego (and our id’s, too!). As a child we all have heard, “think it through” and “use your head” more times than we care to count. In other words, use logic and practical thought. Imagine if children were instructed, “to feel it in your bones,” “to use your instincts,” or “go with what your heart says,” more often and on matters of importance. This would be taboo in our mainstream culture for the fear of appearing weak, fallible, or soft. Thus, we spend so much time overthinking, inside our own heads, and not enough time using our natural resources. Our minds are spent and we feel stressed. This is why when we exercise, even for a short time, like going for a quick walk, we feel better instantly. Yet, we can’t put our finger on how the healing transpired. Our minds are relieved for the respite and our bodies naturally heal if we allow for the process.

What if we saw our bodies as many Eastern traditions believe as energy centres rather than a collection of organs, bones, and muscles? In this belief system, we have a greater capacity to feel whole and balanced, as well as the ability to heal ourselves physically and emotionally. These energy centres are called Chakras and we have seven centres corresponding to our physical form.

Here is a cheat sheet to our Chakras within the body and the colour related to this region, as well as the activities that foster healing if the energies become stuck, stagnant or blocked.

The First Chakra is the base or Root Chakra it is located at the base of our spine. This energy source is associated with our physical survival and our sense of feeling safe and secure. It controls our fight/flight response. (Red) (Yoga, Dancing)

The Second Chakra is located near our naval area and is associated with our desires, pleasures, procreation and our creativity. (Orange) (colour meditation, hip release exercises)

The Third Chakra is located in the solar plexus just above the naval. It is the seat of our emotions. Personal power, joy, anger, ambition, and the ability to achieve are aspects of this chakra. (Yellow) (Breathwork)

The Fourth Chakra is the heart chakra. It is our centre of love, compassion, harmony, and peace. (Green) (Journaling)

The Fifth Chakra is the throat chakra and located in our neck, shoulders and throat area. Communication, creativity, self-expression and judgement are related to this chakra. (Blue) (humming, chanting, singing)

The Sixth Chakra is the third eye located between the eyebrows. Inner vision, intuition, and wisdom are held in this energy centre. (Indigo) (walking meditation, visualizations, tai chi)

The Seventh Chakra is the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. It is related to receiving information, understanding, acceptance, bliss and our connection to God and to our divine purpose. (Violet) (Meditation, Yoga, reading for pleasure)

Chakra balancing can be done in a variety of ways. The easiest method of adjustment is to meditate. During meditation, once your mind is quiet, you can focus on the colours associated with each chakra, and this will soothe the energy centres. Acupuncturists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, and massage therapist are typically versed in the meridians that connect our chakras, and they work to achieve an overall balance in the body. A pendulum or crystal healing is an advanced method that can be mastered on your own, but I recommend going to a professional for this adjustment.

Lastly, we realize that in a mind centred, ego-driven culture, one will tend to live mostly within their lower three chakras. These chakras become unbalanced by the exhaustion. The hope is to utilize the upper energy centres more often to affect our behaviour and thoughts instead (ie. when we make decisions, process information, socialize). We can do this by striving to “go higher”, “use our voices”, and “trust our gut”!! With that said, aim super high, and Happy Chakra Balancing!

The following are some of my favourite chakras inspired designs intended to remind us to live within our energy centres.

The Divine Alignment Chakra Necklace by Satya Jewelry is magnificent and on my wish list. There are stones of amethyst, blue agate, blue topaz, green onyx, citrine, carnelian and red garnet which are aligned to mirror our seven sacred energy centres. The necklace is made of 18KT gold plated brass and will inspire harmony of mind, body and soul.


The Blue Sage Eco Boutique has a collection of perfectly and deliciously scented candles for each of the chakras by BLK+GRN. They contain crystal chips carefully placed at the bottom of each candle resonating to the chakra. These candles will increase the vibrations of manifesting wholeness and well-being.

There are many third eye necklaces, bracelets, earrings, as well as artwork which help to remind us of our intuition. In many cultures, the third eye symbol is also used as a protection from negativity. Sydney Evan has designed the most elegant and simply divine 14k yellow gold/enamel/diamond necklace.

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Images: JuliaFilirovska@pexels, AlexeyDemidov@pexels


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