r e m e m b r a n c e

4 steps to R e m e m b r a n c e

“Remember who you are, Simba.” Who can forget those powerful words spoken by Mufasa to his son from The Lion King? It’s inherently human to identify with a Father’s hope for his child, and it is our souls’ calling that relates even deeper with Mufasa’s plea. We long for Simba and for ourselves to know our own resonance. In spite of Mufasa appearing to us in spirit, and sounding a bit like Darth Vader, we connect with the existential crisis at hand. Accordingly, we know the depths this has on one’s peace of mind. Maybe, it is only for the likes of cartoons and animation that we allow ourselves to get swept up. Or, possibly, it may be that within the beautiful symbolism we are reminded of our own genuine essence. The facets of ourselves that have always been there yet doubted or unforeseen. Once awakened we realize the endless potential of our soul and we question whether our nature has been squandered in some way.

Often we are told who you are in the collection of your life experiences or your life stories. Other’s say we are ultimately a product of our specific lineage combined with unique personality traits or a disposition. Furthermore, Psychology tells us that in addition to these distinct makeup, our early relationships or attachments dictate our overall persona. Nevertheless, Spirituality informs us that we are indeed all of this, and much much more. When we accept this possibility we come to know a truth about ourselves that has yet to be told.

When prompted by Mufasa’s words, “Remember Who You Are”, the responses I have observed tend to originate from a place far outside of character, physicality, or the intellectual mind. Our true nature seems to lay beyond our mind and our body. It dwells in a sacred place within each of us where one’s personality has no relevance and only one’s destiny truly matters.

Staying awake or truthful to our unique calling is challenging in our hectic and complicated world. Nonetheless, our awakening ignites an innate passion and claims our place in the circle of life. This is where we may access our unique contributions and live our lives authentically.

The following steps will help remind you of who you have always been…

Prayer is the most direct pathway to our own calling. We may have learned there is a correct way to pray, but there is not. There are no special tools, time limits, or places to express our concerns and wishes. We only need to believe in the resonance of love and support, as well as, have trust that everything happens as it should. For some prayer may not come easily and in this case writing letters or journaling is helpful. Additionally, finding existing prayers that you can relate, such as, the serenity prayer is beneficial. Finally, committing to a daily practice of prayer will assist you.

The clearing is another practice that reminds us of our true self. Often times we hold on to negative comments, uncomfortable feelings, or gloomy thoughts. We blame ourselves or others for mistakes. These unfavourable energies will keep us stuck. We can clear this negativity by bringing our attention to the present moment and holding an intention of releasing these limiting thoughts, feelings, and external energies. Some like to burn Sage or Palo Santo in the process of honouring this very moment. Others like to focus on the breath or imagine being bathed in a waterfall of healing water. Many like to recite a mantra ie.“ I am here, I am now, I am enough.” Clearing may be done anywhere, while on a brisk walk, in a yoga class, or even in a crowded elevator. Lastly, after the negative energy is released one can invite positivity and healing into your life. This may be done by simply expressing gratitude for the clearing. (ie. namaste, blessings, thank you, Sat Nam, Salud)

Music has the ability to raise the vibration of your life. Tuning in to the sounds that warm your heart and the lyrics that touch your soul provides access to your own spirit. It is no wonder why award-winning musicians will typically thank God during their acceptance speeches for their abilities and for the opportunity to positively affect many people. With that said, make playlists for yourself, play your instruments, and turn up your volume.

Crystals, seashells, and rocks are derived from the earth and its elements. These objects, elements, etc. help us feel connected to the world outside of our mind. All of the natures’ elements have healing properties and you will be drawn to those that will benefit your life. Placing these objects in your home, office, on your person, or in your purse will bring your attention to your specific essentiality. Lastly, making time to sun gaze, stare at the stars, or even moon dance are all ways to welcome and honour your truth.

For reference and further resource:


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